The Baby is Here
Mr. Ting and I would like to introduce you to our new daughter. Her name is Eleanor Mei-Lin Ting. She was born June 28, 2010 in the evening. Below are some pictures of her.
Hi all! I hope your county program has gone great and that you have a great last week of school! This will probably be my last post before the baby comes. She is almost ready, so watch for a post with baby pictures!
Report card will go home on Friday. You have to be at school to pick them up, otherwise we will mail it to you or you can pick it up at the school front desk. The district is still having problems with the attendance numbers. They have provided a way for us to get the accurate attendance numbers to you. I am predicting that I will not be able to do get to it, but my 4th grade team should be able to help me out and take care of it. If the attendance still looks weird to you, call the school secretaries and they can straighten it out for you.
Don’t forget- there is no lunch on Friday and school gets out at 12:25. Also dress for being outside these last few days. Wednesday is field day and Thursday is the softball game. Wear hats, sunscreen, bring waterbottles, sunglasses, etc.!
I have loved teaching you all and I will miss you! Thanks for a great year!
Fraction Worksheet
Hi all! There is a worksheet coming home, on adding fractions. The substitute told them to do it differently than my aides graded them. I gave each student that turned it in full credit, so disregard the grade written on their worksheet when it comes home on Friday.
Last weeks of school!
Hey parents! There are no more weeks in their planners to write! And I am now on maternity leave. So, hopefully I will cover the important things coming up in this post! There probably won’t be many more posts after this. I will put up baby pictures after she arrives!
Here’s what’s going on:
June 24th- Their math projects are due
June 28th- County Program at 2:00! Please come and support your kids and all their hard work! You can even take them home early with you afterwards! Just make sure you fill out sign-out sheet in the classroom before you go.
June 30- Field day- Dress for being outside- sunscreen, hats, water, etc.
July 1- 6th grade baseball game- Dress for being outside
July 2- Last Day of school! No lunch that day. Bell rings at 12:35.
*Just a note- Even though I am not at school, I am going to try and continue to record their scores from class assignments up until the baby comes, so please encourage your kids to keep working hard and get any missing work for days they are absent.
Math Box Homework- Due June 23rd!
Their assignment is to create their own math game that will review something we hace learned in math this year. Here’s the cirteria
Title your game
Provide written directions
Put your name on your game and any pieces that go with it
Mae sure it provides review in one of the math areas we have learned this year
Incorperate a spinner, dice, cards, or heads/tails into your game somehow
Your game needs to be for 4-8 players
Play the game with your family to make sure your game will work!
This week!
Hi all! There is a lot to know this week. This will be my last, since I am getting ready to deliver the baby soon!
Tuesday- Bring library books!
Wed.- Field Trip: Don’t forget cold lunches! If you forget, you’ll have to eat in the school cafeteria and not out on the picnic! We will be loading the buses at 9:00- don’t be late or you might miss the trip!
Thursday- We will be making kimonos out of paper. Bring things to decorate your kimono! Stickers, ribbon, buttons, etc.
Friday- Auction and my last day. Any absent or late work must be turned in by this day in order to be scored!
A BIG Thankyou!!!
Hi all! We made it through CRT testing week! This is the first year that I have had everyone here for all the tests! We didn’t have to do any make-ups! Thanks for being there!
Also, their county reports were great! Everyone did a fantastic job and put a lot of time into it! Don’t forget to come support all their hard work and come to our county program on the 21st.
No Homework!
Due to the CRT testing there will be no Math homework this week!
CRTs and County Reports
Hey all! This week is an important week! Their county reports are due this week! Also, we are doing our CRT testing! Please help your children out by making sure they get good brain food for breakfast. They can also bring a snack to eat in between tests. The testing schedule is as follows:
Monday- PM
Tuesday- AM
Wednesday- AM,PM
Thursday-AM, PM
Friday- Make-up day.
As a result of the testing there will be no math box homework, spelling, or vocabulary! There will be no more spelling or vocab. for the remainder of the year.
Field Trip
Parents, I am sending home a permission slip today regarding a field trip we have coming up! Pleas have it turned in by this Friday!
Also, a reminder that May reading calendars are due this week!
There will be a science test on weather tomorrow. I have suggested that they take home their notes and study! They really need to focus on the types of clouds!