
This site has been established in the hopes of improving parent-teacher communication.  This is where I will post updates and announcements with regard to student activities and assignments.  The other parts of the website include a WebCalendar where all homework assignments will be posted.  If your child tells you they have no homework, please check the Calendar.

There is also a Web Email form where you can send me an email.  If you are traveling or cannot remember my email address, this form will ensure that I receive any messages.  Please email me directly or use this form for any questions or concerns.

I have also posted our daily schedule so you will know what topics will be convered at what time.  This way, if your child is late or absent, you will know which areas you will need to work with your child at home.

There is plenty of information on the site and I hope you will use it.  I want your child to succeed and one of the best ways to help your child is to be an active participant in the learning process.  There will be times where your child may struggle, but that is where you come in, as the support team.