Busy Week!
Posted by Mrs. Ting on March 1, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Hey parents! We have a lot going on this week. Please read this through carefully:
Tuesday- They need to bring recorders and library books.
Wednesday- February reading calendars are due no later!
– Treasure Book forms are due- They MUST turn it in to me no later! The first book is free- that one is taken care of. If you want a second or more copies the price starts at $15 per additional book. If you do not want an extra copy, there is a small box down at the bottom of the form that says “no”. Please check that box and sign it if you don’t want any additional books. ALL students must turn this in before I can get their treasure books bound.
Thurs- Spelling and Vocab. test
Friday- Book Battle forms are due! They must be signed for the minutes to count!
– We are having a read-a-thon. Students can bring a book to read, a sandwich-sized snack bag with snacks for themselves, and 1 pillow OR blanket. It must all fit in their back-pack, zipped up.
– Lastly, their county choices are due! We will begin writing to our counties on Monday, next week. I sent home a form tonight. They need to pick their top three choices. I will give them one of their choices. If I don’t get the form back, I will choose their county for them. I will be sending home more information on it next week. Also, they need to bring a stamp, no later than Friday to mail their letter.