Over The Break…
Posted by Mrs. Ting on January 22, 2010 · Leave a Comment
Hi Parents! Just a few things going on while we’re off track to fill you in on…
1) Literacy Night- Feb. 4th 6:30-8:00 in the gym. Brandon Mull will be there signing autographs. It’s a lot of fun! Hope you can come.
2) January reading calendars are due when we come back. I sent home February ones today.
3) We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday the 19th. There is a contest for decorating their Valenting box- its optional (for fun) not required. Also, they are welcome to bring treats for classmates, I just ask that they bring one for everyone or none at all, so no one gets left out. I sent home a list of our class today.
See you when we get back! Enjoy your break