Assignment changes this week….
Posted by Mrs. Ting on December 21, 2009 · 2 Comments
There are a few changes in their home assignments this week.
1) There is no Vocab. test this week.
2) The spelling test is on Wednesday.
3) There is no mathbox homework. However, I want them to practice their multiplication facts over the next two days. You can use the Rocket Math Multiplication flash cards I sent home a while back or something else!
Mrs. Ting-
I sent you an email last week about some questions on Abby’s work, did you receive it? I was wondering if she could re-do certain assignments.
Natalie Tycksen
Hi there! I did get your e-mail and I responded? Our internet here has been kind of quirky lately. She can redo all of those that you mentioned. I can’t remember if you asked me anything else besides re-doing those pages. If you did, just e-mail me again and I’ll try and get back to you. Hope that helps! Thanks for the delicious caramel!