Math Box- Dec. 7- 23rd

Multiplying Larger Numbers
December 7-23


Go to school web site: http://
Click on the CLASSROOMS button
Click on 4th Grade
Click on Math links
Click on Basic Facts

From the Basic Facts button go to the following activities:

1. CyberChallenge: scroll down and choose “magnificent multiplication” and race the clock

2. BBC: scroll down and click on “game”
-click the top choice (Game 1)
-click A with grid numbers
-choose your skill level

3. Times Table Tester: click easier, harder, or megahard
-Solve the problem and then select “check”


4. Roll and Roll and Roll: Roll the dice and take each number and write it down to make a two digit number. For example, if you rolled a 2 and a 5, you would write down 25. Roll one die again and multiply this number by the two digit number. For example, if you rolled a 9 then you would multiply 25 by 9. Solve 7 problems and then check with a grown-up or on a calculator.

Challenge: roll the dice to create 3 or 4 digit numbers


5. Flip, Flip, Flip: Turn over two cards and write down the numbers to make a 2 digit number (i.e. a jack and an ace would be the number 11). Then turn over another card and multiply that number by the first number. Solve 7 problems and then check with a grown-up or on a calculator.

Challenge: flip over 3 or 4 cards to create larger numbers


6. Miles Per Gallon: Find out how many miles per gallon three different cars can get. (The cars could be yours or cars advertised, etc.) Ask your child to find out how far each car can travel on 8 gallons of gasoline. The child should multiply the number of miles per gallon by the number 8. Have your child compare the three distances to see if there is a big difference in mileage.

7. Apartment Rents: Help your child find an advertisement for an apartment that rents for less than $1,000 a month. Ask the child how much it would cost to rent the apartment for 6 months. The child should multiply the monthly rent by 6. Your child can try the activity again with other apartments and compare the six-month rents.

8. On Sale: Look for advertisements showing toys on sale in quantities. Ask your child how much 4 cars (or other toy) would cost at the regular price. For example, 4 cars (toys) for $3.25 each = $13.00. Ask how much money would be saved by buying the cars on sale. (4 cars for a $10.00 would be a savings of $3.00).

9. Estimation with Money: While you and your child are shopping or looking through grocery store advertisements, point to an item that costs less than $1.00. Ask your child to estimate the cost of two of the items. Your child should round the price to the nearest ten cents, then multiply by 2. For example, if an item costs from $.85 to $.89, your child should round the price up to $.90 then multiply 2 X $.90=$1.80. If an item costs from $.81 to $.84, your child should round the price to $.80, then multiply 2 X $.80= $1.60.
Encourage your child to both round and multiply the numbers mentally.

10. School Lunch: Have your child estimate the cost of school lunches for a week, a month, and for 6 months. Then have your child find the actual cost of school lunch for a week, a month, and for 6 months.


11. Multiplying a Dozen: Your child can practice multiplying by 12 when he/she is at the grocery store with you. Have your child count the number of egg cartons stacked in row or in a display. Ask your child to figure out how many eggs there are altogether by multiplying 12 by the number of cartons he/she counted.

12. Days Old: Help your child think of someone who is over 10 years old. Ask your child to figure out how many days old this person is by multiplying the age of the person by 365. If your child would like an extra challenge, he or she could also figure leap years into the calculation.

13. Multiplying Money Amounts: Look for a store advertisement and find 3 items that could be used for a school party, such as paper plates, paper cups, and plastic forks. Ask your child to figure out what it would cost to buy 15 packages of each of the 3 different items. For example, if a package of paper plates costs $2.89, the child would multiply $2.89 by 15.

14. Multiplying by Tens: Use a watch or clock with a second hand to measure how many times your child normally breathes in one minute. Then ask the child to figure out how many breaths he/she takes in 10 minutes by multiplying the number of breaths in one minute by 10. Next, ask the child how many breaths he/she takes in one hour, or 60 minutes.


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