Activities- Nov. 16th to Dec. 4th

Multiplication and Division Facts
November 16- December 4

Note:  We will be discussing multiplication first therefore you will want to choose multiplication activities before the division exercises.


1.  War- play this game by splitting the deck evenly among the 2 players.  Each player lays down two cards.  Each person multiplies his/her cards together.  The person with the highest number collects all the cards.  Play continues until one of the players runs out of cards.

2.  Fifteen Facts-  Count out 15 cards and place them face down in a pile.  Turn the first card over and place next to the other cards.  Use this card to multiply all the other cards in the pile.  For example, if the card you started with was a 3 then you would multiply all the other cards in the pile by 3.


3.  Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe: On a piece of paper create a tic-tac-toe board.  Roll the dice and multiply the numbers together. If your answer is correct, place an O or X in one of the boxes.  Now have your partner roll and then place an O or X in a box.  Play until you have 3 in a row.

4.  First to 100.  You will need a piece of paper to record your answers.  After rolling the dice, multiply the two numbers together.  Write down your answer and then have your partner do the same thing.  Keep adding your totals from each round.  The first player to reach 100 wins!


5.  Multiplying Windows:  Give your child three pieces of paper and a pencil/crayon.  Ask your child to draw one house on each piece of paper.  Then have the child draw two windows on each house.  Ask your child how many windows are there altogether.  Have your child write and say a  multiplication fact to show the answer (3 X 2= 6).  Now have your child draw another window on each house so each house has three windows.  Ask your child to write and say another fact to show the total number of windows (3 X 3= 9).  Finally have your child draw one last window on each house and write and say the fact (3 X 4= 12).

6.  Multiplying Fives:   Look through a magazine with your child and find 4 pictures with 5 people in each.  If you can’t find enough pictures, circle 5 people in pictures with more than 5.  Have your child write a multiplication fact to show how many people there are in four groups of five (4 X 5= 20).  To check the answer, the child can count the people by fives.

7.  Nickels and Dimes:  Use nickels and dimes to write math problems for factors 5 and 10.  For example, lay out nine nickels on the table.  Ask your child to  count by 5’s nine times.  Then have your child write a math problem for the nickels on the table (5 X 9= 45).  Same  idea could be repeated with dimes (3 x 10= 30).

8.  Multiplying Pages:  Let your child use the numbered pages of a book or magazine to help him/her learn to multiply sixes and sevens.  Ask you child how many pages of a book could be read if he/she reads 6 pages each day for 7 days.  Have your child write a multiplication fact to show the answer (7X6=42).  Repeat the activity asking how many pages your child would read if he/she read 7 pages a day for 7 days.

9.  Multiplying Ones and Zeros:  Give your child practice multiplying 0 and 1 by the numbers 1-9 by using everyday items.  Some examples:
a.  How many grocery items are there in 5 bags with 0 items in each bag? (0)
b. How many spare tires are in 4 cars with 1 spare tire in each car? (4)
c.  How many people are there in 8 rooms with 1 person in each room? (8)
d.  Have your child create some of their own math problems around the house?

10.  Multiplying with Nine:  Play this game to give your child practice multiplying with the number 9.  Hide 9 buttons or other small objects in a room.  Tell your child that he/she has one minute to find the buttons.  Every button found is worth 9 points.
At the end of one minute, have your child figure out his/her score by multiplying 9 points by the number of buttons found (9 points X 4 buttons found = 36).  Play again after hiding the buttons.


11.  Dividing by Two:  Give your child 18 buttons or other small objects.  Ask your child to find out how many groups of two can be made with all 18 buttons.  Have the child divide the buttons into groups of two then count the number of groups.  Have him/her write a fact to show the division (18 divided by 2= 9).  You can repeat this activity starting with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16 buttons.

12.  Division Problems:  While you and your child are driving/ walking somewhere, make up some division problems for your child to solve.  For example:
a.  I just counted 16 tires- how many cars did I see?
b.  I saw 12 wheels- how many bicycles did I see?
c.  Give your child an opportunity to make up division problems.

13.  Division with Silverware:  Have your child count the number of pieces of silverware you have in a drawer.  Then ask the child to divide the pieces of silverware evenly among the household members.  The child may count the pieces into groups or use pencil and paper to divide.  When your child finishes, have him/her state the answer including how many pieces of silverware are left over.

14.  Factor Facts:  Cut out 12 round shapes (or use cookies, etc.) and ask your child to arrange them in the same way that eggs are arranged in an egg carton: in 2 rows of 6.  The numbers 2 and 6 are factors of 12 because the 12 shapes can be divided evenly into 2 rows of 6, or 6 rows of 2.  Ask your child to arrange the shapes in two other ways so that they are divided evenly in rows, such as 1 row of 12, and 3 rows of 4.  Have your child write down the factors.

15.  Dividing the Bases Game:  Draw a “baseball” diamond on a piece of paper and create two place markers for you and your partner to use.  Put the number 25 at first base, write 36 on second base, write 42 on third base, and 64 on home plate.  Roll one of your dice to get a divisor.  If the number at first base can be divided equally by the divisor, move to first base.  If not, remain where you are.  Now your partner goes up to bat by rolling a die.  If his/her number can go evenly into 25 than he/she moves to first base.  Continue until one of the players gets to home base.

Go to school web site: http://
Click on the CLASSROOMS button
Click on 4th Grade
Click on Math links
Click on Basic Facts

From the Basic Facts button go to the following activities:

16.  Math Magician (choose multiplication or division to practice basic math facts)

17.  Math Cafe- scroll down past the addition and subtraction to multiplication and division
– click on the blue flash cards on the right side
– click begin
– solve problem and click on the “next” button

18.  Table Trees-  Choose a tree
– Solve the math problem
– Click on “check”
– After doing 20 problems, click on “Choose Another Table” and try a                      new math fact

WORKSHEETS:  (pages are double sided)

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