Math Box- Addition, Subtraction, Money, and Time (Sept. 28-Oct.16)

Addition, Subtraction, Money, and Time
(Sep. 28- Oct. 16)
A. School Web Site:( or (
1. Addition Pyramid:
* Go to school web site and choose Math Links
* Go to Addition Pyramid
* Choose easy, medium, and hard levels

2. Change Maker:
* Go to school web site and choose Math Links
* Go to Funbrain
* Click on Change Maker
* Click on the United States Flag

3. Math Baseball:
* Go to school web site and choose Math Links
* Select UEN Math Interactive 3-6
* Find the + – x – icon
* Scroll down until you see Math Baseball

B. Around the House Activities:
4. Food Dates:
*When you and your child return from the grocery store, have your child find 3 different foods that have expiration dates.
*Ask him/her how many days, weeks, or months you can keep each type of food before it will start to lose its freshness.
*Then have your child compare dates on milk products with the dates on products like cereal or crackers.
*Ask your child which products should be used up quickly and why would some products have faster expiration dates than others.

5. Adding Mentally:
* Give you child practice adding two numbers in his/her head.
* Ask you child to say a number between 20 and 35.
* Then you say a number between 0 and 9.
* Have your child add the two numbers mentally.
* Repeat using other pairs of numbers.
6. Holidays:
* Ask your child to name a favorite holiday.
* Then have him/her determine how many months and days will go by before the holiday arrives.
* Let your child use a calendar if needed

7. Subtracting Decimals:
* Your child can keep track of the distance you drive on a car trip and get practice subtracting decimal numbers at the same time. Before you start on a drive, ask your child to write down the numbers on the car odometer.
* Usually the last digit to the right on the odometer shows tenths of a mile
* This number should be written in the tenths’ place
* When you get back from the car trip, ask your child to write down the new odometer reading
* By subtracting the original odometer reading from the end reading, your child can find out how many miles, and tenths of a mile, you went on your journey

8. Adding Decimals:
* To give your child practice adding decimal amounts, have him/her look through a catalogue or a store advertisement to find the prices of two favorite items
* Have your child add the prices to find out how much they would cost
* Then have the child compare the cost to the combined cost of two other items
* Extension: Have your child subtract the items they want to buy from how much he/she has in his/her Savings Account, weekly allowance amount, or how much he/she has in his/her Piggy Bank.

9. Shopping At Home:
* Find 10 items in the cupboard that have prices on them, or label items with prices
* Tell your child that every item is on sale for $.50 off the price marked on the item
* Using addition and subtraction, have your child figure out how many of the items can be purchased with $10.00.

10. Shopping:
* After leaving the store, ask your child to count the change starting with the cost of the groceries
*The child should count out coins and bills until he/she reaches the amount that was given to the clerk

11. Sports Scores:
* Show your child scores in the sports section of a newspaper (or t.v./internet)
* Have your child choose three games and find the total number of points scored in each game
* Your child should add team scores to find the answer
* When your child has finished, ask your child which game had the highest score and which game had the lowest score

12. Guess the Number:
* Here’s an activity that will give your child practice with estimation
* Play a game with your child in which you both make estimates about numbers of objects (items like- dried beans, pennies in a jar, number of books on a bookshelf, etc.)
* When each of you has written your estimates, count the items to see whose estimate is closer
* Your child can use subtraction to determine the difference between the estimates and the exact number

C. Dice:
13. Dice Subtraction and Addition:
* With a partner roll a die three times and write down the number rolled on paper, then have your partner do the same
* Roll the die another three times and write down the numbers under the previously written number and have your partner do the same
* Look at the numbers- if the top number is the greatest number then subtract
* If the bottom number is greater, then add the two numbers together
* Compare answers, if your answer is greater you win that round
* First one with 5 points wins
* Try again using four, five, or six digit numbers

D. Cowboy Playing Cards:
14. Addition War
* separate cards into two piles
* each person lays down two cards in front of him/her
* add the numbers together
* the person with the highest total wins that round and collects all the cards
* the person with the most cards wins the game
* Play again Ålaying 3 or 4 cards down and adding up the total

15. Subtraction War:
* separate the cards into two piles
* each person lays down three cards in front of him/her
* two of the cards become a 2 digit number (example- a nine card and an eight card would be the number 98)
* subtract the remaining card from the 2 digit number
* compare your answer with your partner, the one with the highest answer collects all the cards
* the person with the most cards wins
* play again laying 4 or 5 cards down

16. Separate the Suits:
* make a pile of each suit (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades)
* add up the value of all the cards in one suit (king, queen, jack = 10 and an ace is worth 1)
* challenge- what is the value of all the suits?

E. Place Value Cards:
17. Place Value Addition/Subtraction:
* use the place value cards from the first math box (they’re on orange card stock)
* choose
e two cards and practice adding them together
* try again choosing two more cards but instead of adding them together, subtract

18. Word Problems:
* draw out three place value cards
* use these cards to write a word problem that uses addition or subtraction
* solve your word problem
* do this activity again with new cards
* this time see if a friend is able to solve your word problem

19. Find the Mistake:
* have a friend choose two place value cards and create an addition problem
* have them solve the problem and make a mistake on purpose
* you solve the same problem and see if you can discover the mistake your friend made
* try again with subtraction

F. Worksheets- Follow directions given on each page. Remember that one side of the page is for one night.

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